Thursday, 29 April 2010

Can Anything Be Done About Psoriasis?

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If you find you have small patches of red, itchy skin, you may have psoriasis. Watch the area closely and if it persists, schedule an appointment with your physician.

If you find white patches in the area of the folds of the arms, the breast area or legs, even if there is now irritation present, it could possibly be psoriasis. It is possible that heredity may play a part but most commonly it is found in people aged 15 to 35. The disease is slow to begin. It can be assumed that they certain signals may be sent to the body's white blood cells during any injury and the skin reacts by activating its defense system, with a supply of white blood cells there by making the skin red and irritable.

There are many reasons that psoriasis may be present. These include; a lack of vitamin D, drinking an excess amount of alcohol, the medications you may be taking, a viral or bacterial infection or allergies along with a variety of weather conditions. No one knows for sure what the exact trigger may be for the onset of this disease.

The disease may affect any, or even all, areas of the body. Most commonly the areas affected are the folds of the skin, around the armpits, the legs and breast areas. The five known types of psoriasis are:

• Erythrodermic- This type covers a large area of the body and is usually a dark reddish color.

• Guttate- consists of small pink or red spots on the skin.

• Inverse- this type is shown by red patches in or near the armpits, breasts and other folds of skin.

• Plaque- this one shows as red patches with silvery white scales.

• Pustular- is the type that shows white blisters that are covered by red, itchy skin.

Treatment of psoriasis depends on what situation the person is facing. The physician may prescribe a biopsy along with an X-ray. They will concentrate on the root of the problem. There are times when hospitalization may be necessary, such as when a large area of the body is affected. This is purely a safety measure taken in order to prevent other problems from arising.

Most of the time an antibiotic along with a cream or ointment may be prescribed by the physician. They will also recommend certain shampoos and moisturizers that could be beneficial in stopping the spread of the disease.

The best prevention against psoriasis is to clean your skin regularly. There is ongoing research into the best solutions and medications for the treatment of psoriasis.

The best advice is to consult your physician regularly for a checkup so any issues can be caught early on. Watch any area of the body that seems to be affected by redness and irritation. This could be a sign of psoriasis.

By Louise Forrest

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