Thursday, 29 April 2010
Can Anything Be Done About Psoriasis?
Power Vegetables In A Drink |
If you find white patches in the area of the folds of the arms, the breast area or legs, even if there is now irritation present, it could possibly be psoriasis. It is possible that heredity may play a part but most commonly it is found in people aged 15 to 35. The disease is slow to begin. It can be assumed that they certain signals may be sent to the body's white blood cells during any injury and the skin reacts by activating its defense system, with a supply of white blood cells there by making the skin red and irritable.
There are many reasons that psoriasis may be present. These include; a lack of vitamin D, drinking an excess amount of alcohol, the medications you may be taking, a viral or bacterial infection or allergies along with a variety of weather conditions. No one knows for sure what the exact trigger may be for the onset of this disease.
The disease may affect any, or even all, areas of the body. Most commonly the areas affected are the folds of the skin, around the armpits, the legs and breast areas. The five known types of psoriasis are:
• Erythrodermic- This type covers a large area of the body and is usually a dark reddish color.
• Guttate- consists of small pink or red spots on the skin.
• Inverse- this type is shown by red patches in or near the armpits, breasts and other folds of skin.
• Plaque- this one shows as red patches with silvery white scales.
• Pustular- is the type that shows white blisters that are covered by red, itchy skin.
Treatment of psoriasis depends on what situation the person is facing. The physician may prescribe a biopsy along with an X-ray. They will concentrate on the root of the problem. There are times when hospitalization may be necessary, such as when a large area of the body is affected. This is purely a safety measure taken in order to prevent other problems from arising.
Most of the time an antibiotic along with a cream or ointment may be prescribed by the physician. They will also recommend certain shampoos and moisturizers that could be beneficial in stopping the spread of the disease.
The best prevention against psoriasis is to clean your skin regularly. There is ongoing research into the best solutions and medications for the treatment of psoriasis.
The best advice is to consult your physician regularly for a checkup so any issues can be caught early on. Watch any area of the body that seems to be affected by redness and irritation. This could be a sign of psoriasis.
By Louise Forrest
Labels: arthritis psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, psoriasis, psoriasis causes, psoriasis cure, psoriasis guttate, psoriasis natural, psoriasis treatment, psoriatic, scalp psoriasis, skin psoriasis, treatment for psoriasis
Sunday, 25 April 2010
The Causes Of Psoriasis
Power Vegetables In A Drink |
It is believed that the main cause of psoriasis is driven by a certain type of white blood cell known as a T-cell. T-cells are one of the body’s defenses against disease and infection, but in the case of psoriasis they leap into action unintentionally and begin to trigger other immune systems which accelerate the creation of new skin cells. Because the skin cells grow and mature quicker then normal they also die off much faster, creating a build up of dead skin cells on the surface. This build up of dead skin cells forms the characteristic plaques, or flaky patches, that sufferers of psoriasis are familiar with. The redness and inflammation of the underlying skin is a product of the increased blood supply needed to feed the new skin cells that are growing at an accelerated rate below the plaques.
While anyone at any age can suffer from psoriasis researchers have found that people in their thirties and sixties are more likely to develop this skin condition than people in other age groups. Why this is the case no one knows. It is also apparent that heredity can be a marker for an increased chance of contracting psoriasis. Children who have one parent who suffers from psoriasis have a ten percent chance of contracting the disease. That percentage goes up dramatically to fifty percent if both parents have this condition. Scientists, who have done studies on families afflicted with psoriasis, have been able to identify genes that are known links to the condition.
The exact causes of psoriasis remains something of a mystery but there are known triggers that are linked to outbreaks. Many people who suffer from this disease notice that there are times the condition is worse and times it seems to get better. Reactions to certain drugs, such as lithium and beta blockers, have been shown to trigger a psoriasis outbreak and in extreme instances make the condition worse.
Because psoriasis is caused by a faulty immune system anything that stimulates the body’s defenses can bring about an outbreak. An injury such as a cut or bruise or an infection, particularly strep, can all cause an outbreak.
Another factor that can cause an outbreak of psoriasis is stress. People who suffer from psoriasis have noticed that as their stress levels go up so does the potential for a severe outbreak of their skin inflammation. Psoriasis in and of itself also causes stress leading to a self perpetuating problem of continual outbreaks that increase in severity as a person’s stress level increases.
One way that psoriasis cannot be caught is through contact with someone who suffers from the disease. It is not a contagious skin condition, and although it is unsightly and can cause repulsive reactions from those who do not suffer its affects it is important to remember that those who suffer from it need the reassurance and support of friends and family along with proper treatment to help them live a normal life.
By Andrew Bicknell
Labels: arthritis psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, psoriasis causes, psoriasis cure, psoriasis guttate, psoriasis natural, psoriasis treatment, psoriatic, scalp psoriasis, skin psoriasis, treatment for psoriasis
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Mud – The Latest Treatment For Eczema And Psoriasis
Power Vegetables In A Drink |
For everyday use, a good shielding lotion protects eczema and psoriasis sufferers from exposure to environmental pollutants and helps the body retain moisture, but once a week or so, give yourself the full treatment with a Dead Sea mud bath, wrap, or poultice application.
What does Dead Sea mud have to offer? The Dead Sea contains 26 different essential minerals - more than any other body of water in the world - and some, including chlorine, magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium and bromine are in concentrations ranging from 4 to 80 times that of regular ocean water.
The chlorine and sodium, unhealthy when used by themselves, form salt – an essential mineral which plays a vital role in hydration by balancing the water in and around the cells and tissues, and is a natural antibiotic/antifungal. In combination with calcium, magnesium and potassium, salt helps to regulate metabolism, balance pH, and enhance muscle function. Potassium also soothes the nerves. Together, these minerals thoroughly cleanse your skin, rid the pores of any environmental particles and toxins, bacteria and fungi, help balance the pH, tighten the skin, and restore its natural moisture levels. It all adds up to healthy, glowing skin.
For eczema and psoriasis sufferers, the results can be miraculous. Mud wraps, masks and baths in the Dead Sea water are soothing and relaxing, relieve the itch, and can actually heal the lesions and rashes.
There are many Dead Sea mud and salt products on the market. Find the most natural products – avoid those with chemicals that will further irritate the eczema and psoriasis – and see what they can do. And don’t forget to apply the shielding lotion in between your personal mud spas!
By Gloria MacTaggart
Labels: arthritis psoriasis, eczema psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, psoriasis, psoriasis cure, psoriasis guttate, psoriasis natural, psoriasis pictures, psoriasis treatment, psoriatic, scalp psoriasis, skin psoriasis
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Psoriasis Treatment & How To Deal With The Illness
Power Vegetables In A Drink |
There are several types of psoriasis, but all appear as red skin lesions that may cause great discomfort to the sufferer. Depending on the severity, extreme itching and pain may accompany the breakout. In order to prevent further suffering, a dermatologist may recommend a psoriasis treatment in accordance with the location, severity and size of the problem area(s). Often prescribed in steps used to gradually treat the illness, a psoriasis treatment may include medication directly applied to the skin, light therapy and/or the use of oral or injected medications to help treat the entire immune system.
Because everyone is unique, each psoriasis treatment will vary from one person to another. In addition, psoriasis may become resistant to recurring treatment forcing a dermatologist to periodically switch to another approach. When applied directly to the skin, physicians find that a psoriasis treatment consisting of an ointment or creme is likely to improve the skin’s condition.
Individuals who are searching for a psoriasis treatment that will soothe their skin may find that adding oil to their bath water and later applying moisturizer to their skin, may help to temporarily ease the discomfort. When applied on a regular basis and for an extended period of time, moisturizers may prove to be an effective, but temporary, psoriasis treatment. Sunlight may also serve as a natural psoriasis treatment as brief exposure to the sun may help to eliminate some of the itchy, red patches.
Psoriasis is a chronic illness that leaves the sufferer open to recurring symptoms throughout their life, which is why an effective psoriasis treatment is important to maintaining comfort. There is currently no cure for psoriasis but, with a good dermatologist and a lifestyle that calls for less stress and improved nutrition, psoriasis doesn’t have to control every day.
This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or a dermatologist’s recommendation. Prior to beginning any Psoriasis treatment program, individuals should consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or an appropriate treatment regimen.
By Angel Estrella
Labels: arthritis psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, psoriasis, psoriasis cure, psoriasis guttate, psoriasis natural, psoriasis pictures, psoriasis treatment, psoriatic, scalp psoriasis, skin psoriasis
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
A Must-Read Hgh-Treatment For Psoriasis
Power Vegetables In A Drink |
Psoriasis may also affect your fingernails and not just your skin. Your elbow and your fingertips both in your hands and feet could have a thick dry skin that would lead to cracking. The cracked thick dry skin would also bleed and will either take a very long time before they heal or will never heal at all. For a worse case, your cracked skin will likewise be subject to tearing that is really painful.
Treatments for psoriasis may differ from one person to another. You have to consult first your dermatologist before undergoing the necessary treatment. You may be required to apply some cream or take some medicines that may contain something that would induce your pituitary gland to produce hormones.
Human growth hormones are the ones responsible in some of your physiological functions which include making your skin as well as your nails healthy. That is why it is advisable to have an hgh for treatment of psoriasis. You will possibly be asked to take some treatment with hgh-inducing medication to allow your body to produce natural hormones.
The hgh for treatment of psoriasis that would be advised for you to take must contain the necessary ingredients that would strengthen your immune system, help you fight infection, improve your blood circulation, and prevent skin irritation. In that way, your body can have the firsthand treatment against your skin disease because of the hormones in your body.
Your pituitary gland may start producing limited amount of hormones starting at the age of 25. It is really recommended if you will have this hgh for treatment of psoriasis. Your hgh supplement or treatment may contain the following:
•Naringinine which works against inflammation, virus, and skin irritation. It has antioxidant that removes harmful substances in the body. It also has the ability to reduce your risk of having cancer and lessen your muscle or join pain.
•Arginine is said to improve your blood circulation. Your painful wounds due to psoriasis could be alleviated because this substance helps in the quick healing process of wounds.
•Glutamine is another substance that also contributes to the proper and fast healing process of wounds. It likewise contains antioxidant to get rid of the harmful materials in your body.
•Colostrum contains antibodies that strengthen the immune system and fight infection. Colostrum is what the newborn babies need to strengthen their defense against infection. They can get this from their mother’s milk few days after the delivery.
This hgh for treatment of psoriasis has been proven to be effective. The ingredients of the hgh supplements undoubtedly enhance your skin and reduces the symptoms of skin irritations or diseases.
By Sean Goudeloc
Labels: arthritis psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, psoriasis, psoriasis cure, psoriasis guttate, psoriasis natural, psoriasis pictures, psoriasis treatment, psoriatic, scalp psoriasis, skin psoriasis
Friday, 9 April 2010
Psoriasis and 3 Steps For Psoriasis Treatment
Power Vegetables In A Drink |
Once someone has psoriasis, he has a higher probability to have it for ever. The disease may vanish once, and might come back again. It might show good result to various kinds of treatments, and sometimes not at all. Basically psoriasis is a condition of the body over producing the skin cells. Some portion of the skin might get swelled up because of the presence of too many skin cells particularly in a single location. This might even become dry and flaky. It gives the sensation of itchy and red skin. It can turn out to be sore, cracked and even tender at times.
The body parts affected by Psoriasis are scalp, hands, and abdominal parts. Knees, feet and elbows are also affected subsequently. People can have dandruff problems and some times might lead to arthritis. It is a skin disorder guided by the immune system, involving a certain type of white blood cell i.e. T cell. Normally, it helps in protecting our body against various infections and diseases. In the case of this particulate disease, T cells are driven into action mistakenly and become very active, so that they develop other immune responses, which results in inflammation and rapid unstoppable growth of skin cells. In many it is found that, there is an old family history of this psoriasis.
Researchers studied a huge number of families attacked by psoriasis and recognized genes linked to this. People suffering from this may notice that there are periods when their skin goes worse, called flares, and then after that again improves. The cause of these flares includes infections, stress, smoking, much alcohol taking and also changes in climate that make the skin dry. Also, medicines, like beta-blockers, which are used for high blood pressure, and also lithium may enhance an outbreak or make the disease worse.
Generally 30 percent of people affected by psoriasis also develop a kind of arthritis known as psoriatic arthritis, which causes stiffness, pain and inflammation in and around the joints of human body. This can develop at any age, but mostly appears between 30 and 50 years of age and harms men at a higher and quicker rate than women. Here also genes, immune system and environment play a role in the starting of the disease.
Early diagnosis and medication of this severe disease are required to relieve pain and swelling and help prevent further joint damage. But psoriasis sufferers are found firstly at the age of 15-20. Psoriasis Treatment is generally done in steps based on the severity of the disease, size of the areas involved, type of psoriasis, and the patient’s response to initial treatments. This is generally called as the “1-2-3” approach. During step 1, medicine is applied to affected skin (topical treatment). In Step 2 light treatments (phototherapy) are used. Step 3 includes eating medicines or injection that cure the immune system (called systemic therapy).
By Kelly Purdenn
Labels: arthritis psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, psoriasis, psoriasis cure, psoriasis guttate, psoriasis natural, psoriasis pictures, psoriasis treatment, psoriatic, scalp psoriasis, skin psoriasis
Monday, 5 April 2010
What Exactly Is Psoriasis?
Power Vegetables In A Drink |
What do we know about it?
A lot of physicians point out endocrinal disturbances as well as metabolically and changes in the immune system of the patient. There are papers stating that the disease is caused by certain types of neuroses as well as stress, but many admit that this illness is still a mystery for physicians. Unfortunately, there is no known treatment against this disease that keeps it away for good. However, by studying the numerous forms and types of psoriasis, doctors have managed to develop a treatment which guarantees a lasting remission of the disease. They can also guarantee a drastic demise up to complete disappearance of symptoms for many years.
More information on psoriasis
Most people inherited psoriasis. 60% of the patients have relatives who suffered, or still suffer of this terrible illness. There is just one chromosome responsible for it. But, even if someone were to trace back to a few hundreds of years his genealogic tree, and if it could be proven that no one in his family ever suffered from psoriasis, this wouldn’t matter a lot. Because of the pathology, the chromosome can be dormant for years, and kids with infected parents could live a long life without a spot on their body. Nevertheless, some circumstances can be looked in. Like the age for instance – most of the sick are between 15 and 25 years old. This happens because of the hormonal transformations the body goes trough at puberty, as well as increased psychical instability.
The three stages
The first noticeable thing when studying psoriasis is the red skin. Any doctor would tell you about the three stages of the disease: progressive, stationary and regressive. During the first stage of the disease, the spots are swollen, hard to the touch and they have a bright color. The spots appear in friction and pressing areas, such as where the bra closes, or on an injury. In the second phase, no more spots appear, but the existing ones tend to link together to form larger and pail ones. The final stage, the regressive stage, is characterized by the partial and sometimes complete disappearance of the spots. It should be noticed that the pail spots are then replaced by darker ones.
By Nick Carter
Labels: arthritis psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, psoriasis, psoriasis cure, psoriasis guttate, psoriasis natural, psoriasis pictures, psoriasis treatment, psoriatic, scalp psoriasis, skin psoriasis
Thursday, 1 April 2010
All About Psoriasis
Power Vegetables In A Drink |
Psoriasis can develop on any part of the body but it commonly appears on the scalp, knees, elbows, and torso. The appearance of lesions is often symmetrical. That’s why when a lesion appears on the right side of the body, the person affected should expect one to appear on the left also.
Psoriasis rarely appears on children. It usually develops at the age of 15 to 35 and occurs equally both on men and women no matter what race.
Occurrence of psoriasis can range from mild to moderate to severe. When three to ten percent of the body is affected, it is considered a moderate case, but when more than ten percent is affected, it is already considered severe. Whatever the case of psoriasis a person has, though, it always affects his or her quality of living because of the health complications it entails. The skin, which is its primary target, can appear to be discolored if severe psoriasis occurs.
Another health complication that is linked with psoriasis is psoriatic arthritis. It may develop anytime but, mostly, it occurs in the adults. Although having psoriasis does not necessarily mean that psoriatic arthritis will follow.
By Jason Herbert
Labels: arthritis psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, psoriasis, psoriasis arthritis, psoriasis cure, psoriasis guttate, psoriasis natural, psoriasis pictures, psoriasis treatment, psoriatic, scalp psoriasis, skin psoriasis
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